Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Great Eagle & Spellweaver - The Flying Hero & The General

Today I present two new models for your viewing pleasure, one is the mighty Great Eagle, and the second is my leading general and Spellweaver. 

The Great Eagle gave me quite a lot of work; I realized that I don’t really know how an eagle looks. Spent a few hours researching the topic and decided that I would go for a bald eagle look, however I went towards a more brown tone to better suit the army. 

The Spellweaver is very standard, I almost copied the one Games Workshop have on their page, changed the gold to silver; I think silver goes better with elves then gold. Happy with the work I did on it, both Great Eagle and Spellweaver took me a combined time of 4h.

Next up will be a short report on the small tournament that I played the 28th of November, sorry to say I forgot my camera but I will try to make the report vivid so you can all follow the action (=

Friday, November 19, 2010

Treeman & I level up!

Continuous work on getting my army painted before the tournament and today the focus is on a Treeman. 

I’m quite happy to announce that this will not be a boring “only basecoat” post. I actually tried out quite a few new techniques on this one, the biggest one probably being the use of a wash. Bought Devlan Mud wash the last day and decided to give it a try on my Treeman. I also highlighted lots of parts with Bleached Bone. These two techniques combined came out to this result. 

I really feel that I’ve leveled up my painting skill on this model. Learned a lot and will most definitely try to utilize my new skill and knowledge on future models. 

Also the time I used on the Treeman was only around 3 hours, might sound like a lot to some of you guys, but for me it’s a big step forward.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Tree Kin - Basecoat

So today I have a bit of an Easter Egg for you!

I really don’t like the look of the Games Workshop Tree Kin models; I would consider them when I’m assembling my second Tree Kin unit. This because if there is one thing I can’t stand in an army it’s having too many models that look the same. 

That being said, I will of course need to have some Tree Kins in my army of fluffy elves. My choice of models is the old Treemen models. As for the painting it’s so far only a basecoat. I wanted to go for a color theme that makes them feel a bit young, to separate them from my Treeman. So I went for a light green color on the bark and moss. 

Hope you enjoy!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Battle Standard Bearer - Basecoat

Life never permits you perfect control. Even so I have been putting my painting aside for too long.

I have my first 8th edition tournament coming up, it’s a 1750 points, all painted tournament. It’s at the 28th of November so I have to pick up the pace in order to finish all I have to do.

I painted my first character ever today, a Battle Standard Bearer. It’s only a basecoat, but I must say that visualizing the final result is quite rewarding.