Friday, February 18, 2011

Brighter Flames & Flesh Eating Daemon Dogs

So my Daemons keep taking on color and are becoming more and more intimidating. I really love painting Daemons compared to my Wood Elves, they were mostly a chore. But with my colorful Daemons of evilness I’m having a blast. The colors are so much more vivid and every model is different from the one before. 

So I painted another Flamer, this time using a bit more red and also giving the model a bit more time to dry off in-between the different layers. It went a lot smoother and the result, as you can see was a lot better.

Also here’s another treat for you, two Flesh Hounds of Khorne, the eyes will need some extra work and maybe the bone parts as well, but other than that I’m happy.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Enter Daemons - Flames with Blue Tongues

Been a while since I posted here, but here it is!

So I’ve grown a bit tired of losing with my forest dwelling elves. I’ve been contemplating a new army for quite a while now, but my friends keep picking up one after another of the other armies. Daemons of Chaos however no one uses amongst my friends. So I thought why not, let’s give it a try, at least I will have cool models to paint.

So here is the first sneak-peak of my upcoming Daemon army…