Friday, November 19, 2010

Treeman & I level up!

Continuous work on getting my army painted before the tournament and today the focus is on a Treeman. 

I’m quite happy to announce that this will not be a boring “only basecoat” post. I actually tried out quite a few new techniques on this one, the biggest one probably being the use of a wash. Bought Devlan Mud wash the last day and decided to give it a try on my Treeman. I also highlighted lots of parts with Bleached Bone. These two techniques combined came out to this result. 

I really feel that I’ve leveled up my painting skill on this model. Learned a lot and will most definitely try to utilize my new skill and knowledge on future models. 

Also the time I used on the Treeman was only around 3 hours, might sound like a lot to some of you guys, but for me it’s a big step forward.

1 comment:

  1. Gillar skarpt, men highlights är kanske liiite för ljusa för min smak med så pass mörk textur. En aning brunt i highlightsen så hade de sett mer naturliga ut!
